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Our Staff

Founded in 2011 by Wes Cole, currently operated by Mike Henry.

Wes Cole

Started VIP Services in 2011. He worked for lawyers for more than 25 years as an investigator and technical adviser.

Michael Henry
Office Manager/Investigator

Holds a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice and has been in law enforcement for over 15 years. Working in investigations, warrants, civil and computer crimes.

Marcus Garrett

Has 38 years experience as a civil investigator. He is trained in personal injury investigation. He has extensive experience in photography and interviewing witnesses, having interviewed hundreds of people involving automobile, truck, train, offshore, industrial, and product liability cases for the past 30 years. He is a graduate of the University of Houston.

Ricky Campbell

Has more than 31 years experience working for lawyers investigating major auto and truck accidents. Rick also brings deep experience in photography and witness interviewing.

Tommy Henry

Comes from the private sector and is currently an investigator with videography expertise.

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